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Yes ,I want to take a shower yesterday briefs also did not change .Can also buy a ... ... Ye Yu says that when,www.headphones-fashion.com, under the stage collapsed large .relationresultBaby you didn prepare briefs ? I want to give it is also, people from the mainland side to what all don you do with this host is too dark .
relationresultA slap in the faceto give almost shot dead blue shot dead leaves yu .Who cares his underpants .relationresultCome on let me have a look your strength ! Cairn were selected for the night elves ,let me have a look your dark war strength .
Cairn look at Ye Yu with Wuer games when have to 3 night war tactics .Enough to cope with all conventional night civil war game .relationresultYe Yu digdug ear ,race or the Terran have not changed .
relationresultCairnis a bit depressed ,I thought you was elected ah, don choose me to start the game .Be like a leaf - or did not choose the night .relationresultchosen race . Cairn has little couldn line .
relationresultI choose leaf yu want to curse them ,and other half do not start the game .relationresultDon NE ? , relationresultWell ,with the good . , relationresultCairneye twitches .
His complete tactical white thought .The male has seen through his helmet ?It is a ruthless role !relationresultSupporting the helmetmale voice is more and more high .Gaming casino management follow up .
Once a winner is likely to be sealed into a myth ,it is management wanted to see .Later can attract tourists .But if deliberately manufactured such a myth ,would run counter to one .relationresultMapinto TS .
Ye Yu was born in the purple Terran above ,Cairn blue night mysteriously appear below .Of course, it is impossible to appear elsewhere .Only Cairn more like at this point .Some habits are very special .
relationresultTSthe Night Elves will choose to start planting trees to the laboratory system, introduced a lightning shield electric next to the pastor .It is often seen. This tactic ,in Cairn hands and re-interpretation of side .
Careful people will find that ,Cairn with the other night player not the same place .relationresultPrecision!relationresultDigital,precision !There is no difference, from the initial cited lightning shield began ,all Cairn calculation of good .
Electric pastor output also be just perfect ,because if electrocuted experience will be out of the .After the completion of the task and the trees began crawling towards the goblin shops .
relationresultWitheverything in good order and well arranged ,precise calculation .More attentive person can discover ,Cairn demon hunter first skill to learn is not no suspense Mana Burn ,but dodge .
relationresultCompared with Cairnprecision ,Ye Yu appears very careful .For a whole day read a book with glasses who hold one ,Ye Yu is admired .But Cairn often do through the glasses on his sight ,Ye Yu will find back in a cold sweat .
relationresultAreference to wearing glasses, Ye Yu first reaction was to the Meilong town that taxi driver .Is a long quite not lazy 27 ,8 year old woman .I wear a pair of tainted glasses ,or it is beauty .
Ye Yu and Pei Jiao 2 shemale stripped of abandoned cars ,stroking the middle legs of the key parts of the taxi stopped down .After all, the country is rarely to taxi .relationresultAt that time,because be shemale teasing Ye Yu also very fire ,see that beauty does not stop looking at herself through the glasses ,Ye Yu yelled , on ,you fucking not seen naked ?! , relationresultThat beautyis not a vegetarian ,tossed her hair : I fucking look at where you pay ! , relationresultThatleaves Yu unfortunately suffered refuse .
Finally had to follow focus ,streaking back to Nanjing city .relationresultEven today,Ye Yu thought that beauty behind the glasses looked at his face still felt a shiver .relationresultYe Yutrembled when, already in practice the ore ,the armed peasants is very exciting .
relationresultThe 305th chapter challenge four 6 Kings , relationresultThe minewas good ,a dark shadow appeared in front of a * * division .Drunk - gel - network is really a demon hunter ,but the running speed and awareness is fast and accurate .
Ye Yu felt that the people will be calculated .It is their passion division just ,farmers left main and repair all a little loss of blood .relationresultAfast Cairn mouse and keyboard percussion ,2 demon hunter knife immediately wipe up .
relationresultYe Yu switchingangle quickly dragged away the farmer .But the farmer how is the demon hunter rival .relationresultDemon hunterlaughing sound , I have a flying guillotine , relationresultThesmall farmer turned several supercilious look ,want not us Shaolin Temple coach iron head with iron shirt when cut ,it is afraid of your blood ?relationresultBloodis not ,but is precisely tulwar .
relationresultDemon hunter direction is just the intermediate pub up .Ye Yu farmer is forced toward the opposite the terran base run in the direction of .relationresultAs everyone knowsthe ore is beside the connects mainland channel .
The slower ACMM now outflank ,just got there .relationresultYe Yumissed a sound ,I know not well .* * Division with infantry in not far place MF ,even rush past, these 5 farmers to say_goodbye .
relationresultYe Yu Division also did not give up, MF off the store immediately after eating a small group of blood, rush past .relationresultWhen* * Division arrived Ye Yu small farmer died has only 2 .
relationresultOr Cairn . Black thought way .Both tactical and timing ,are more powerful than their own .relationresultCairncan then not immensely proud .Because if it is ordinary players or game player ,I use 2 bread ,have 5 farmer all dead .
But now only had died 3 ,obviously, Ye Yu in * * Division came at the time of high strength wire .On Farmers diffusion with tractor .A light 5 farmers are almost in line three such operations .
Think of this Cairn is a bit with one .After all that helmet underneath is a what? Who is it? Can have such operation looking ahead ,at least in the world is a name .Such a good occupation player could come here .
Many questions to make Cairn more on this helmet man more interested .relationresultYe Yu division of faster, because be bought shoes .A water elemental quickly summons .A farmer to go up directly not moving ,but over Cairn ACMM .
relationresult! Many of the audience couldn himself .relationresultYe Yudo not understand love ,world of Warcraft at least .In the normal tournament when, Ye Yu is no manners of MM shameless ,let alone today .
He is not a virgin for a long time .The face of ACMM leaf Yu still down .relationresultCairn does notkill the 2 farmers not to give up .When the infantry have arrived .relationresultCairnrealize a bad time, Ye Yu had 5 infantry surrounded a ACMM ,and by 2 water elements plus * * Division killed a AC . Related articles:

