
Beats by Dr Dre Pro wGet hurtIn the tr

, The spirit bombing vigorously collides with each other of voice, 2 people's combat more and more vehemence!
Can say, 2 people are all people who can hardly find out opponent at ordinary times, in this time, can meet with the opponent of such a"neck and neck", the all unbearable beginning added dint gradually!
Long Wang Jian-sword is invisible!
Gu month Ji-month China dance!
An of bombing!Both parties again collide with each other, the ray of light of the gold s è, purple s è broke out, the strong spirit strength was four sh ès, and the surroundings tree is all blewed down by this great power!
Chapter 353 thoroughly ends
The sky dragon originally is hurtle at the most anterior, the person of behind also failed to catch his speed.Pour not is say the sky dragon's speed will have how and quickly in the combat.And is a somebody else while doing not fight, can use "resist sword flight", how wear you to also can not compare with!
However, arrived a snake mountain foot of a hill of, public and surprising detection, the sky dragon incredibly and where waits them!This fellow could it be that turn x ì ng?Knew to look after teammate not to become?
The next words of the sky dragon directly broked off public imagination:"The energy motion of front is too strong ……I doubt to is an absolute being class BOSS!"
No wonder that this fellow ……Si!Absolute being class BOSS?The u that is public to pour ch ō one mouthful cool spirit:This time, come to an absolute being class BOSS again, public can can't!Is difficult don't become that mountainous country of the dragon is a mother of, male now of come to revenge?
Don't know these beards to think lu à the n thinks of bastard, the sky dragon's facial expression is dignified medium clip a doubt:Before and exactly took place what?This dragon snake island is difficult don't become to conceal what secret?An absolute being class BOSS has already been regarded as an accident, is not likely to appear again the second?Besides ……this energy undulate how so peculiar?
Shook to shake head, the sky dragon's way:"All keep up with!Is carefully some!"
One public quick facing leaf Zheng and blue and graceful strong ji ā o war of the direction run.On the way, such as blood son and ten tread one occupation habit of kill, proceeding from, the nature can't forget observation all the way of trace.
Nothing important of road too obvious combat trace, think come there of the combat break out.What enemy did leaf Zheng exactly meet?Is the action so big?
Be getting nearer, the team channel shows and leaf Zheng have been able to converse, the sky dragon is unbearable to open mouth first in the team channel to shout:"The elder brother of Cang Ao took place what matter?"If he be worried about the enemy if is too strong, oneself a public hastily left for, will have what serious result.So, he would cannot help but wanting to ask 1 first.
Don't answer.Leaf Zheng even if heard this voice, now is exactly arouse a war, which attend to last time words?
The sky dragon waits a person also and guesses for several cents and then have no again appeal to.
"If circumstance not to, all walk first!"How to escape, the sky dragon is lazy to say.If he believes that these guys escape, perhaps among them is the skill of many people bigger than oneself!
It is public to have no language to nod.Who will take own life to play trick?That abnormal conditions all feel a tough enemy, they aren't fools again!
Is more near, energy motion more strong.Pour isn't continuously of, so occasionally come once, all let public feel very scared.This distance, not only is the sky dragon to feel, even behind heel come of the Ning calm down and the tea tea can feel!
The one more intensive forest held up public view,Beats by Dr Dre Pro.
Bomb!The larger sound spreads to come over.Don't wait public return to absolute being, that intensive tree bombs however falls flop, a figure quick of toward this place since then!
Shua!Is almost simultaneous, the owners all take weapon at hand in!
Does the enemy inherit?Not!Is leaf Zheng!
The sky dragon is the first person who sees is pure that person's shadow, didn't think more, the sky dragon hurtled up and prepared to give° leaf Zheng to connect down.No matter how it is say, this time is still a teammate.
Result, the sky dragon just touched the body of running into leaf Zheng, then surprised felt one strong the unimaginable strength spread to come over!Almost have no to resist, he also followed to fly to go out!
Lightning flashes in brain:What is the enemy exactly?Is the strength so strong?
He again which know, this isn't a person's strength, but leaf Zheng and blue and graceful strong put together of impact dint!
Mao!Is that one is stuffy to ring again, 2 people dropped into in the ground in succession.
Others even if respond again slowly, also know to should do what this time.A public rounded leaf Zheng nearby in succession, seeing of vigilance to front.
Don't see O.K., a see under, immediately foolish live.
A nv person, a blue star clan nv person, a bewitching y à n beauty of blue star clan nv person!Didn't say this nv person to is a blue star clan certainly, which afraid is normal mankind, which afraid she is Venus!In no case will appear lost in thought in this time as well with the public heart ambition.
Public and stunned reason is:Is obvious, leaf Zheng bomb to fly of, is the nv person of this blue star clan!
How strong are leaf Zhengs?Doing not know is public.But in times before can simply inhibitting blue Mo Han with strange dint know that the strength of this guy still wanted devil than the blue star clan.But the nv person of that blue star clan in distance ……incredibly does the ability bomb this teratism to fly?This wants many great powers!
The crisis immediately lets the vigilance in the public heart rise to tallest!
Burst Chi!Is a to lightly ring, public turn a head, stunned detection, lean on the sky dragon to keep in mind in of leaf Zheng incredibly spewed out an one mouthful blood!
This ……this ……is this what is the row?Get hurt?In the transmigration of soul world of get hurt don't all not is with physical strength related?Haven't heard who get hurt will throw up blood?
Is public in, only the Lin in the sky dragon's heart however surprised fear to:In the transmigration of soul world common meaning of get hurt to really relate to physical strength, the physical strength consumes big, the life once is worth at the same time low, can see as get hurt status.Under this kind of status, the general fighting strength will have some discounts of minutenesses.But actually ……throw up blood to get hurt also not is have no!His sky dragon once experiences once!
That, time is the toll-gate that the sky dragon breaks through alliance class, because some reason, the ng absolute being essence of j ī suffers, is also throw up blood!This kind of gets hurt ……that can some big!Completely be not is made up by physical strength instauration and life value and then can resume to come over of, the ng absolute being essence of j ī suffers, that can depend on an auto completely recovered, and time at least at more than a week!
That blue star clan nv person ……can attackstone the enemy's ng absolute being essence of j ī ?The sky dragon feels the sweat m á os that carry on the back behind all some Shus get up.
Is very quick, appeared a name for the Shan in the brain of the sky dragon-blue and graceful strong!
Is blue and graceful strong to lightly looking at a quilt public surround medium leaf Zheng, very mild, imitate a Buddha, this matter to have nothing to do with her generally.Leaf Zheng gets hurt to throw up blood, she also saw, but, she didn't say more what, turn round to use blue star language to stunned in of blue Ya Ling Dao:"Leave."
Looking at blue and graceful strong leave of figure, public all have some to knit the brows.Can let the person that leaf Zheng gets hurt is very strong undoubtedly, but they but have so many people!Looking at this nv person to leave like this?Is public and unwilling, all some stupid y ùs moved.Strangle the other party a superior, can that also acquire many value of honors!The blue star clan are enemies with all of three major leagues, kill the other party, the nature is to have a value of honor.
Even, the Ning in the crowd is quiet to have already quietly raised ten word Nus in the hand.
"Stop!"Two voices rang at the same time, leaf Zheng and the sky dragon.
Is public to don't understand, the wry smile way of the sky dragon:"Who is the knowing her ?"Do not wait public reaction, direct way:"She is called blue and graceful strong!"
Public Lin however!Need not say more what, these people who don't know the meaning that this name represents?Blue star clan young generation seniority secondary superior!Once suffered with joker, defeated joker easily!Lacks a little, joker even escape don't escape!
What person is the joker ?That is with dragon Related articles:

