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Became the essence of the absolute being monster Qi Lin.
Absolute being monster green green three uncles' essenceses have Gao 100 Zhangs, basically isn't what absolute being monster is green to compare, the whole bodies all is burning the flame of the è of gold s, see arrogant hundred percent.
"The Ao blares ……" absolute being monster green green three uncleses look up at sky to shout at top of voice, and then the body fiercely inflated and immediately opened mouth to vomit the pure gold s è flame that a diameter have several meters pillar and towarded Chen Yang to explode sh è but, the unreal in a twinkling annihilates, the space lu à n's flowing is all burned by that flame unreal, it is thus clear that this recruits is how violent.
Chen Yang's look in the eyes tiny Mi, and then the body is one earthquake, the utter darkness s è ray of light of Tao sky once again strong get up, will he all over the body the space in 100 meters, one utter darkness exaggerate, basically no man can see arrive have among them what, Chen Yang at do what, and the ray of light of this black s è still and just and quickly spreads, the target is green green absolute being monster three uncles,dr dre beats.
Even now, Chen Yang's eyes the fierce Zheng is big, once the right hand flick, the Xuan Yuan absolute being sword appears at in the hand, bloom heavy of it the brilliance of s è.
"The sword of Xuan Yuan bleeds boundless, the transmigration of soul flows to turn the world d à ng!"
Shout at top of voice, Chen Yang arouses black fog of Tao sky, the gold s è flame towarding the j ī sh è since then hurtles.
"Right against the face terrible temperature, let Chen Yang's body of the dress Shan in a twinkling became an ashes, hair, the eyebrow m á o etc., the whole m á o the hair be all in a twinkling cremated Jin, but that terrible heat, basically can not to him result in the slightest of injury.
"Cut!"The Nu drinks a , Chen Yang Shou holds the Xuan Yuan absolute being sword, dollar in the body the dint in a twinkling urged to deliver extreme achievement, a sword towardsed right against the face of the flame pillar split bottom, originally look like the flame pillar of matchless terror, be unexpectedly had no by the Xuan Yuan absolute being sword to bafflingly split two halfs, Chen Yang then and like this simultaneously break open flame pillar, part rapid front blunt.
"Burst Chi!"Chop down to win body of voice ring out, the Xuan Yuan absolute being sword one sword chops down at absolute being monster green green three uncles' bodies it, split into the latter in a twinkling two halfs.
Willing soon split in the Xuan Yuan absolute being sword is next of, absolute being monster green green three uncles full face of fear of s è, he not understand, why the Xuan Yuan absolute being sword will in Chen Yang's hand, he regrets, he hate, but everythings are all a day after the fair, even if is peak state of strong, be used an emperor way with the person of rank, the weapon splits in, all only scare to death of final outcome.
The "roar ……" sad and shrill roaring cry fiercely spread out, absolute being monster green green three uncle's bodieses quickly eliminated to melt, the light that finally became to cover with orders, dissipation at of world, scare to death.
The sky in, black fog of Tao sky slowly disappears, the station of Chen Yang's bare hand is in the unreal and looking at be still continuing to fight under of condition, the body form is one Shan, would is to hurtle to Liu Qi's side in the body.
Until at this time, Liu Qi waits a person and just discovers, that absolute being monster green green three uncleses were incredibly polished off by Chen Yang, scared to death.
"Chen Yang, you, you are incredibly ……" looking at to appear at nearby of Chen Yang, Liu Qi s è with frights all over the face of call get up, there is no the dint of the one resisting of silk any further, be choked by Chen Yang Dan's hand at in the hand, raising of Gao Gao.
The Mu permits to traverse same frightened of looking at Chen Yang, j ī in heart move of extremely, that emperor way middle of strong be polished off by the latter, this will definitely spread the whole inside state, Chen Yang's settle however will resound through but rise once again, a year never the noodles of l ù, on appearing to would be the territory of getting into emperor's way, and then cut to kill emperor way middle state of strong, this is suddenly and violently strong wind.
"Is green, should you appeared!"Chen Yang Mian is expressionless to choke Liu Qi's neck, lightly say.
The wolf Hao of "the Ao blares ……" absolute being monster green smelly fart is a , shining show up, and then double the eye is tiny to redly toward black those two olds very believing in hurtle.
Chen Yang understands, the fury in the absolute being monster green heart is how prosperous, although ten several year agos be plotted secretly against, him three uncle's at the back high ghost, this two elders that is black to very believe in, is make moves in person for, the whole solve at present, the absolute being monster is green to also need to personally beat two old guys remnants with leak at heart of hate.
Hurtle to is fighting of before the body, the two elders that is very black to believe in absolute being monster is green to roar loud a way:"You are still two old giblets, can know big Ye I?"
The absolute being monster lookinging at to hurtle is green, all of those two olds are full faces the Yi hu shaking head of ò.
"Hum, old Be getting older, all incredibly don't remember, ten few year agos, the youth be plotted secretly against by you, is me!"Absolute being monster green noodles s the è ferociously roared loud 1 and woulded be to toward those two olds to hurtle.
"Is you, you, you haven't died!"Those two old scares shouted at top of voice and and then fought with green absolute being monster to get up.
"The Mu permits to believe in a lord, will black all of the strong very believing in cut to kill, a don't stay, let Liu Qi see him in person black very believe in of person, the dying of a per!"Chen Yang Dan's hand chokes Liu Qi's neck and and then looking at Mu to permit a Ling , saying of voice iciness.
The words that hear Chen Yang, the Mu permits to traverse body one Zhan and and then would be rapid thousand, will start to lie on the ground not come of black very believe in a strong, cutting of a kills, the blood sprays to flow out and dye red this square, destroy a limb to break arm, everywhere all BE, disastrous.
Surrounding those people in the house, all is be frightenned of hide therein, don't dare to come out, don't even dare atmospheres a .
"Chen Yang, you, you, you this, devil!"Liu Qi Lian s è is red, the full face frightened s è looking at Chen Yang and breaks to continuously and continuously say.
"Ha ha ……am I a devil?Your seeing this is who!"Chen Yang insolent cachinnation several voice, and then xi ō the ray of light is one Shan before the ng, the knot being bound fructifies solid Liu Chan to would be to appear at square.
"Cicada, cicada!"Liu Qi full face the anxious s è yell a way and see roar loud a way to Chen Yang at the same time:"Don't hurt him, you killed me, you killed me!"
"Daddy!"Liu Chan just appear, woulded be see the scene here, be frightenned three souls seven souls almost disappear, looking at a distance handed rise knife fall, chop down killed a strong of the Mu permits a Ling , Liu Chan is thoroughly had no courage.
The Chen Yang full face smiles lookinging at of idea 2 people, this a moment, he doesn't know, himself why will become thus love blood, such of fiery temper.
May because the Mu permits a glacial affair, this Liu Qi incredibly wants Liu Chan try to usurp Mu to permit ice, this is what Chen Yang can not bear with, his nv person, how can permit other people to try to usurp, even if is to have a viewpoint, all don't go, all want to die!
Flash across in eye one silk kills an idea, Chen Yang drinks a way chillily:"Give you an opportunity, you 2 fight a , who win, who can live down."
The words sound falls in, Chen Yang throws Liu Qi at ground, and then wave hand to make forbiding of Liu Chan Shen relief, then retreated several steps to looking at 2 people.
World what the most ruthlessness?The brothers injures or kills each other, the father and son quarrels, particularly is father and son's 2 people to the war, the most ruthlessness affair, Chen Yang doesn't know as well he why can think one means like this, but be like this want out.
"Chen Yang, you this devil!"Liu Qi roared loud a , just wanted to once turn round, but is felt center of the chest a cool, Liu Chan incredibly held an a double-edged sword and wore through his heart.
"Cicada, cicada, you, you ……" Liu Qi the full face can not believe of looking at at present this own son, he can not believe, the oneself bitter hard bitterness brought up more than 10 years of kid, incredibly like this resolute of begin to oneself.
"You are getting older, must die sooner or later, also rather make me keep on living, hereafter revenge for you!"The Liu Chan Lian s è ferociously shouts at top of voice and and then pulled out out a double-edged sword, one sword cuts Liu Qi's skull bottom, the blood sprays to flow out Gao Tian and taint with of Liu Chan all of the whole body BE.
"Patricide of go, the nature's law is difficult to permit, you this wait no one x ì ng of beast, on the hoof still have to use?"Chen Yang Leng drinks a , the soul strength in the between the eyebrows in a twinkling explodes to flow out but, in the Liu Chan's facial expression with scares all over the face, is ground the soul shot of the latter, Liu Chan Qi Qiao bleeds to die.
The noodles is expressionless to looking at to pour Liu Chan in the ground, also have skull be cut next Liu Qi, Chen Yang is chilly on smiling, then once turned round to go.
Distance, the Mu permits a Ling to see to this place, the body is more violent a burst of to shiver, Chen Yang not only the natural endowments is unsurpassed, do is more firm and resolute, settle however can achieve important event after seeing future.
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Chapter 380 Xuan Yuan city
Some kind of wars are after.
The whole square one is in total disorder, battered, the blood dyes the ground red and touch eyes shocking, the cripple limb breaks arm to spread to fall 1 ground and see go to extremely miserable, disconsolate.
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