
www.headphones-fashion.com But …… I disti

"What are you dry?"
"Do you want to hear a story?"
"E?"I am some meanings that don't understand her.
However Yang Wei didn't realize me, but directly said:
"Formerly, in a farm, the farmer chases a head of pig, a Sui and a head of milk cow close at together."Yang Wei's tone is calmly very quiet:"One day, the farmer took a cordage to walk into shed and tried to tie~up that pig to go out.That pig tries very hard to of flounder, the flounder for trying very hard to ……and by this time, flank of Sui and milk cows all is advising that pig, say'in fact you need not flounder of, the farmer would also usually tie~up us to go out before,www.headphones-fashion.com, but do you see us, isn't thoroughly now?'.Then, that pig still keeps trying very hard to a flounder, tells Sui and milk cow at the same time and says'that is different!He tie~ups you to go out and only wants the Sui hair Kobe beef milk on your body!But he tie~ups me to go out, but want to kill me and eats my meat, my life!'."
Finish saying these, Yang Wei blinked to wink and looking at me and shut ascend mouth.
I inching Zheng Zheng, immediately also silent next go.
Led in a short while, I raise head and sighed tone:"I understood ……thank you."
I understood the meaning of the story that Yang Wei says.
Is in fact easy:You aren't other people, so when the other people meet a problem, you probably think that it's easy, but you didn't establish body place ground, you the position of place different from the other people ……so, you can not understand the other people's real real intentions!
This is in the world, in fact a lot of truths are all easy.
But it happened that is mostly while thinking a problem, person always the brain turns not to come over, because most people will stand on own position to consider.So is a clearly easy truth, but few someones can truely understand to come over.
"In fact ……" I hesitated for a while:"In fact I would not like to believe that she is a self-abandonment girl, but I am very angry, either …… that kind of place, see her over there, I always have 1 kind ……"
"Hate iron not to become a steel.It doesn't contend for.To?"Smiled to smile.
"Yes."I admit.
"This be."Yang Wei wanted to think:"You just said that she explains she is be cheated to go to, be taken by the friend go to of.Isn't her own meaning ……"
"But ……" I distinguish a way:"Even if she is cheated to go to of ……I am also similar very angry!At local of time, she is also'be cheated by the friend'asked for a lot of troubles as a result!Now again is so!If is a Jie body from the good girl ……how can confused hand over that kind of friend?How can go that kind of situation?She likes to mix in the outside by herself and plays in the outside, if she doesn't change this kind of temperament, sooner or later will ask for again troublesome!"
"She is still young."
"Is young don't lend!"I say to say, again unbearable some spirit:"Originally meet so greatly to bother, she don't absorb precept at all??Front already for the sake of similar of the affair touch the head broke a blood,does not she still know to repent?I beat for instance ……one is too small younger sister, small fly a female, because mix in the bar, result drive bad person dosage be fond of crafty!We can think that she is been harmed by the bad person, she is a victim, is should be sympathized with.But if she is been fond of crafty after, still need to run to that kind of to have fun in bar next time ……meet an affair again ……so, you say a person like this, also worth sympathize with?"
Yang Wei still keeps smiling very patiently.
Canning not finding in her look in the eyes is the slightest impatient, on the contrary loosenned tone, the whole individual all the Quan shrink at sofa up, then she looking at me, cold not D way:"Chen Yang, you experience of the affair should be a lot of?"
"H'm, a lot of."
"Good ……so, you distinguish the ability of right and wrong, should be aer lot of than that girl strong, to?"
"So, you today not is also similar be taken to that place by the princess to go to?"
"This be.You go to previous, basically don't know that is where, just careless of'drive friend'take go to.If your wife, or your friend, carelessly discovered this affair, insist, blaming you are self-abandonment, mean, that the man's natural character Yin is disorderly ……so, do you feel to concede?"

Chapter 9 【I ain't God 】

Our 2 people each other see for a long time, then I finally smiled.
This is that I send out sincere easy laughter for the first time tonight.The bad mood that originally suppressed for a day , in Yang Wei's this chemisette speech, seemed to was for a while to line up to send to go out.
"The your words why seems to be all quite right ……" I crumpled to crumple a nose.
"It is quite right because the my words is original."Intentionally the Yang Wei plank rises a face.
Then, she suddenly sighed tone and made an effort to stretch one lazy waist.She last body the fine curve is under this action and reveal entirely!Particularly is a Bikini swimsuit under roll round double of Feng, imitate a Buddha and then in the moment rock at me, the radiant skin seems to be milk pure white ……
I don't dare to see more, the quick side led a face to go.
Yang Wei's seeming don't care a my face last facial expression of not natural.Our 2 people none of momentary talked, quiet depend on the sofa.
I saw her one eye, the facial expression on her face was very calm, even said easy for several cents, finally simply shut last eyes, seem to be really to enjoy this kind of to relax of atmosphere.
Suddenly, I cannot help but smiling for a while.
"H'm?"Yang Wei immediately opens eyes to looking at me:"What do you smile?"
"I suddenly thought of we just- known each other that evening."I compared to row for a while:"I drop down the valley fell and hurt, you …… you took off underwear, tie up for me ……"
Finish saying this sentence, I regretted.
I how was this ?
Is an alcoholic function?Or another of what?
I also feel that I talks to seem to be a bit too reckless.Seem to plus today, I and Yang Wei totally just once met 34 times just.But don't know why, after we talked so many.I always have a kind of illusion, seeming us already know each other for a long time for a long time, I am in front of her ground, completely can be like similar relax in front of old friend.
This feels.Seem in those early years and Joe Joe Ze wood they were together similar, very at will, light loose.
If Yang Wei indeed as expected didn't care me too much and just smiled to smile and saw my body up of those harm Ba:"Luckily, as you are getting hurt afterwards I not at you nearby, otherwise words, you harm so more, my clothes aren't enough to tore to tie up."
"You are here will treat for a long time?"
Yang Wei wanted to think:"Probably still want several weathers ……H'm, I think.Tomorrow probably we still meet noodles."
Looking at I daze of look in the eyes, smiled for a while:", Don't you still know?Suo Mr. Lin will hold a dinner in his Chuang circle tomorrow.Will invite me to take part in by that time, certainly, there is also your owner, square's eight Yes."
My wry smile:"I don't know that in fact.I after getting off the airplane today be connected by that princess' his highness to walk.Also there is no opportunity seeing Suo Mr. Lin."
"H'm ……" Yang Wei suddenly dipped down face, the easy facial expression on her face disappeared, but seemed at the thinking what very important problem.She raises head later on:"Tomorrow, probably the party up also invite some other persons ……when the time comes, probably I will need your ground some helps.Certainly, probably the affair isn't so what a mess." For a while, she says with smile:"Still have, you want careful that princess' his highness.When a women are incensed, she is to do a some affairs of impulses to come to ground."
I shake, the noodles has no facial expression:"This, I also have no a way."
The color of the sky that tooks a look an outside has been very black. Related articles:

