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Double door number became very empty !relationresultIf thesea clan now did master attack .Xiao Han one may not be able to resist .relationresultWhileXiao cold heart is really hope to have the sea clan master to attack ,he have to kill, the murderous knife dulls much ,intended to kill and do not have so heavy .
relationresultThe maindoor to a mysterious island full forward ,ride the wind and waves ,all the way !relationresultXiaoHan stand alone on the bow deck .Behind him the door after .A pair of unequalled in his back and face reflects a extremely complex and fascinating light !relationresultBattle has been fought,Xiao Han knowledge of God had been aware of the dozens of God level master generated by the collision between heaven and earth the strength of strong fluctuations ,dozens of miles outside the sea off go days waves ,huge terrible waves sea hundreds meters of peace has stirred up .
relationresultWar is not just aforce and strength ,or the battle of wits ,the sea Mermaid and family found Qi harvest take incoming ,nature is very surprised, each other can easily enter the mysterious island range ,and they patrol had not before uttered a loud warning signal ,only two kinds of cases, a is this group of attack on human master intends to avoid the sea clan patrols ,which for all is God level master man is not hard to do ,only to surface patrol enemy enemy early warning issued ,the sky and the sea below can be hard to achieve .
relationresultOn leftclass ,diving than flight more energy consuming ,so human attack normally choose air more, and this is the sea clan a great weakness ,the sea gods level master general flight ability is not high ,or seldom go to exercise the ability to fly, the most is the low altitude flying over .
Long time continuous flight only humans can do .relationresultThe secondcase is human killed them all the way all the patrol ,and was a one-sided slaughter ,one could not die a martyr of the early warning information is .
relationresultIn either case,the human has to eyes is a fact !relationresultSeenearly twenty human master ,the mermaid and couldn panic ,humans suddenly turned out so master attack, it is certainly a great action !relationresultDamnsea breeze ,this time why can not make a message here ,mermaids and gas mouth askew ,and his perfect image and style not at all on edge .
relationresultButpeople are hit in front of their home .It can only be launched against the citadel ,but much more ten master ,not only by his fifteen men against each other nearly twenty people ,it would be disastrous .
relationresultThe mermaidand the order, twenty-five sea clan master launched against ,their purpose is to intercept the opponent off the island !relationresultQiin command will rival induces off the island battle, let into the people on the island and occupied the island .
relationresultThis isthe role of intelligence priorities ,and if you do not know a mysterious island ,who dare to make such a decision ?relationresultBrother ,marine reptiles are out ! , relationresultQiharvest ,the speed is not fast ,aim is to give the sea clan a reaction time ,coupled with their high speed flight ,the prior to also need to catch my breath ,so close to the mysterious island when Qi harvest ordered speed slow down ,and ready to fight !relationresultNotethe battle .
All the time we only ten people twenty-five people ,we are not told they die riveting head ,our aim is to the family ,from the mysterious island by master ,understand not ! , relationresultBrother ,can you set the play ? Wu Chao has asked .
relationresultThis makes much stronger ,you give me the half almost, but we have a decent hit a few rounds ,after letting in retreat ,never let the sea worms perceive ,understand not ! Qi good loud ordered .
relationresultSide gate ,you will look well ,we guarantee defeats as really as like as two peas ! , relationresultOther than us out of five individuals ,we must have five person at the same time to war two .
I was the vice principal of course does not let the door ,Wu Chao count one, there are three people ,you choose a high quality ! , relationresultWe own aperson ,be familiar with each other .
Who what level of all known, soon elected three .People come out .relationresultWell ,my brothers, sea worms are never invite us, let first active attack them ,this war must play our game hall ,we humans down to black ! , relationresultKill the help sea worms ! Wu Chao burst with a roar ,like a fierce tiger first rushed out !relationresultWu,this move, the harvest also waved his hand .
Command man to himself on the opposite side of the opponent rushed past !relationresultTwentypeople to the twenty-five person ,the human and the sea clan master together up .relationresultThe startled daywar in an island not far from the black sea air under touches ,burst apart ,Cheap Beats By Dre.
relationresultBoth sides did notsay a word ,just copy the arms towards each other killing in the past !relationresultFiercefierce ,don touch up than others but also by half a head axe sword ,the sword is his special weapon, as well as the axe ,axe ,the sharp edge into the arc, the mapping in the sun reflecting the dazzling light !relationresultWuChao although is rude ,but once took the axe sword ,that he is a downhill tiger ;a sly cheetah ,with axe sword sunlight at a draught would rival that of the eyes to those of flowers, is this a Kung Fu ,his axe sword with a fast speed to kill the opponent !relationresultWhen the ! A loud noise, a shower of sparks .
The Sea Peoples master good head protective shell hard enough ,otherwise it down ,his head is gone ,but even so ,his shield or let Wu Chao axe sword under hew a deep rift ,also let the great power head to seismic hum sound, but behind a sea clan master move in time ,he could never escape Wu Chao estimated following a hard to find the sword ,the sharp blade from his nose is less than a centimeter place stopped !relationresultCutthe halo in a complete mess the sea clan master hepatobiliary break ,busy do not choose the road back ,eyes without fear no any other emotion .
Wu Chao has been brave ,but many people have not seen he fought crazy ,that is absolutely can claim to be invincible and generals !relationresultSeeingWu Chao a face to face almost destroy each other with a master ,the rest of the Taoist master morale up, twenty people to twenty-five people unexpectedly launched a fierce attack !relationresultGod levelmaster for each contestant ,influence is everywhere, the tempestuous waves ,sea group is mostly water attributes ,fought using seawater it is instinct .
Then wave ntao days ,like thunder blast .I will fight the voice sound masking !relationresultAsthe commander of Qi harvest ,not just to beat each other for the purpose ,but also implement the Xiao Han ,is the sea clan master led ,once the sea clan found mysterious island by human dive .
These sea worms will return to defend to the last ,this is not conducive to the island of Jiang Tao and battle iron their actions !relationresultThe warwhile in command ,Qi Wu Chuo others slightly slower offensive ,let the sea family feel defeated their hope ,do not give people hope ,how people will follow your ass play ?relationresultSeagroup while beginning attack of frustrated ,but after all, number five ,the first almost let Wu Chao open scoop sea family also came from dizziness ,joined back to front !relationresultBecauseoccupy the quantitative advantage ,sea group finds himself slowly take a slender advantage, but humans take taxi or very strong, in order to show realistic, Xiao Han told Qi harvest ,not lose too fast ,let the sea worms believe they really lost ,so that they will catch up . Related articles:

