
dr dre beats lking out relatio

Evaluation ,from the five attributes in a random sample of two to four attributes, each reward five to ten properties ,good luck ,won the high evaluation ,get four ten attributes of reward ,is simply no clearance than many people four, if like ordinary copy so simple that strange ! Wandering Meihao Qi said , ,it differs from man to man.
That is the characteristic place of trial copy ,this is also I temporarily banned you upgrade the reason ! , relationresultOh ,say to listen . Xiao Hua like a serious lectures students with great interest ,looked up to .
relationresultEach time you refresh the trial copy is different, but the copies within the rules of the game are the same .These copies are the copies ,game player needs to do is to use his skills of occupation ,through a checkpoint ,triggering the plot ,story to the end even if the clearance ,general rarely need to play BOSS ,most will kill some small strange .
relationresultThen the question is,the system will according to the copy of the game player grade ,game player at this level can learn the skills and skills should be a how to level ,random corresponding trial level .
That is to say ,you go higher ,can learn more skills, to control is more complex system !Many hurdles skills reached a certain level in order to successfully unravel levels through ,if the high level ,the system default need skill level will be high ,but your skills and never practiced, then the copy is mostly not .
Of course ,if the team strength is strong one ,direct break level clearance ,also can be done ,also can get high evaluation ,but even a purple outfit team hard ! A smile .relationresultThat said ,into the copy of the game player less ,grade is lower, then the higher skill levels more easily through the copy ? Xiao Hua said as if thinking of sth.
.relationresultIt is so ,no matter how actually grade ,as long as the team member skill has exercises ,team with the well ,there is enough experience in copy ,the copy of customs clearance is not very difficult ,but more low-level more easily through this is for sure !But no matter how adequate preparation ,facing the possible change copy ,luck is the most important ! A nod .
relationresultThis copy is so important ,I know nothing ,or not to go . Although Zhou Xiaorou was first entered the game ,but also from my words know this copy of the importance ,worry about what does not also know ,go and drag two people ,want to give up .
relationresultIf you play for a long time this game ,not to also never mind ,if you intend to long play ,it must go on !What we get is the low-level trial copy of the map ,is only about twenty to thirty of the game player enters the game ,many people want at this stage the trial copy clearance but can not find a copy of the map ,to the thirty level ,although there will be the intermediate and senior trial copy can be difficult ,but will undoubtedly become higher, and the game player can no longer enter has clearance ,so if you want to customs clearance ,we can you ! Is not advised Zhou Xiaorou ,but analysis among .
relationresultXiao Hua alsolooks at Zhou Xiaorou, she just prior to the game that distraction ,if only to relax ,but doesn this copy ,once joined ,she must as soon as the grade reaches twenty of it, for a completely new game player ,this is quite tired thing .
relationresultAware ofXiao Hua ,Zhou Xiaorou was soon also had decided ,nodded and said : well ,I still participate in it . , relationresultSo now, play games ,do not put the game some interesting things are done on time, how does play the game .
All said with a laugh ,and then look to Xiao Hua : you don practice these days ,with drizzle level rises to twenty ,wait for me to rise to twenty steps ,the occupation Jin order task ,the eye of truth learned ,pick up your classes, and then you go to forums to see some more copies of knowledge ,not every time I have to explain a half-day !relationresultXiao Hua reluctantlynodded his head ,he could do it ,but with week in fighting a monster, it is something that can be anticipated .
relationresultA fewpeople talk, carriage quickly to the pastor of trade unions .As the game player with the largest number of occupation Union ,pastor of union building is the tall people are hurrying to and fro.
Be not of the common sort ,before the union ,lively and extraordinary ,deserted the thieves guild no comparability .relationresultTwo peoplegave Zhou Xiaorou pointed out the priest occupation tutor ,did not follow ,occupation tutor is multidirectional NPC ,they went to also be unable to offer any help .
relationresultZhou Xiaorou took theconstitutional priest occupation assessment information into, but not two minutes walking out .relationresultHow Union two a curious baby asked hurriedly .
relationresultHe said that I was not a constitutional priest ,even if there are more letter of appraisal ,also not admit that I was the constitution pastor . Zhou Xiaorou the simple occupation tutor said time .
relationresultWell, so the use of letter of appraisal method is correct ,but your condition is not enough .On the upgrade ,you free attribute points with no . A previously having people with evaluation of letter ,NPC is completely as none of the things in general ,dr dre beats,but Zhou Xiaorou had apparently different situation ,and she immediately thought of Zhou Xiaorou did not add attribute points to the possible .
relationresultmistakes ,so hasn added . , relationresultZhou Xiaorou didnot add attribute points ,two people and let her put all attribute points total in the constitution ,then asked her to take the letter of appraisal in .
relationresultThisthree or four minutes later Zhou Xiaorou came out ,two people hurried in .relationresultThe old man is first asked me ,really decided to do an offbeat constitution pastor ?After I confirmed ,letter of appraisal is take away .
Zhou Xiaorou came out, ranging from curious two questioning ,I just said .relationresultWell, then ? , relationresultThe old man said to me , since you insist on this ,then please do not regret !The trade union to admit that you are a constitution pastor ,thereafter you per liter, in the original on the basis of attribute points to get an extra constitution attribute points ,I hope you don make insults priest things ! .
, relationresultEachadditional point attribute points ,had such a good thing ?relationresultHomelessness andXiao Hua is not a envy ,wandering about her if each level can be a bit more wisdom ,Xiao Hua thought he had a little more agility per level ,it is a good thing ah !relationresultThen the old man said .
.. ... Occupation teacher seems to have not finished ,homelessness and Xiao Hua became ,once again to focus on .relationresult now you decide to become a constitutional priest ,so you towards the constitution pastor direction ,you will lose freedom attribute points each upgrade opportunity ,freedom of access points automatically added to the constitution .
! , relationresultWell,love is no free lunch in the world ,with a constitution ,but lost some chance ,that is to say ,Zhou Xiaorou can only be a purely physical priest !relationresultHow to see .
Xiao Hua touched .relationresultI still feel a good thing .Although it lost some opportunities ,but also equipment can choose ,select equipment to pick a mental equipment ,also can make up for some deficiencies can ,to a priest, not some really is not a big problem .
Well, is made ! Flutter analysis, affirmed the .relationresultHow do I feel benefits should be more than this, level twenty advanced when there will be different from the ordinary priest occupation medal .
Xiao Hua on the very look forward to ,because his medal is almost the one and only thing ,while Zhou Xiaorou constitution pastor is ten letter rare constitution pastor letter for evaluation ,and was pastor union specialized accreditation ,if there is no corresponding physique priest to get Occupation Medal ,it is impossible . Related articles:

