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Want to know about our city capital attraction job recently ,another point of things to chat with you .You are not nervous ,what they think, are not to your report on the work of the time ,I know that you are not well prepared for this .
, relationresultCui Jinqing thistime China Merchants work detail ,made a report to Mu Guoxing .Mu Guoxing listened, while keep smile and nod ,eyes showing appreciation to look ,beats by dre australia.relationresultComrade Jin ,China Merchants work from you as a director since, has been very good .
From each of you to work reports monthly ,you really did a lot of work .The strength of capital attraction job gets strengthening ceaselessly ,introduce capital and investment project also showed a linear rise .
On your work I am very satisfied ,this also shows that appoints you as merchants secretary this decision is correct .relationresultHearthe mayor praised yourself , relationresult,Cui Jinqing happy again : mayor ,merchants can obtain such result ,the first should be attributed to the correct leadership of you and the city hall ,is the global cadre worker is the result of joint efforts .
In the future we will be more efforts continue to work ,so that merchants work towards a new level . , relationresultMu Guoxingnodded with satisfaction : Jin comrades ,you have this attitude is very good .
Have you ever thought ,to pick a heavier burden ? , relationresultCui Jinqingsuddenly turned red ,heart seemed to jump out ,it took a while to some hesitating in speaking of the city ,the mayor ,said: I haven thought about it ,I just want to be in the position to do my job on the line .
Our merchants comrades said, able to work under the leadership of mayor is us . , relationresultMu Guoxing knewCui Jinqing said the first half of the sentence is true ,the second half of sentence is a bit bootlick too ,but Mu Guoxing listened very good enough .
Cui Jinqing was originally a vice-office level change appoint vice director ,when less than a year of merchants bureau director, will give you the burden ,let no one thought of .relationresultOh ,Jin comrade, you also don do .
I look for you today ,just two of us , relationresultIn privateconversations between ,do not represent the organization and talking to you .I tell you, you have to prepare ,prepare for heavier burden .
, relationresultMu Guoxing looked at thestill excited Cui Jinqing ,end up the cup ,and gave Cui Jinqing a sketch for action .Drink some tea ,and continued: Jin comrade, this time I on conference of countrywide economy job to see yellow governor ,because in some cadres need to be adjusted ,so he asked our Jinshan City cadres .
I consider you this time the performance and the ability to do the job ,to yellow governor recommended you ,he agreed .I called you in today ,is to let you prepared in advance ,so that the Organization Department of provincial Party committee inspected when on you ,making you a be taken by surprise .
, relationresultCui Jinqing bowed his head,later only then looked up ,eyes are moist, looking at Mu Guoxing with emotion said : mayor ,thank you ,can you work ,Cui Jinqing is my this life the greatest blessing .
Future wherever I go, they will always be your man .I hope you can in my future work to give guidance and help .But the mayor is also a problem ,is who will take over me after I left this position ?You know ,capital attraction job with his continuous ,if the connection is not good, will be greatly affected .
, relationresultJin comrade, you is very thoughtful consideration ,this is also I am looking for you to another aim ,who do you think to take over your position is more appropriate? , relationresultCui Jinqing thought for a long timebefore they said : ,in front of you but I speak without reserve .
Look from current condition ,our bureau deputy director of the two Liu Xiaojun and Feng Zhennan were not suitable candidates .The two men are taking on the overall situation of lack of ability ,if the work to the two of them ,I really do not rest assured .
In case of affect our city capital attraction job ,my sins will be large . , relationresultMu Guoxing smiled: you would think so ,I feel very happy .We use a cadre to cannot look only on a board ,you can from the side of cadres in a comprehensive measure ,have a look you can find so many people .
I do not believe ,our city has so many vice-level cadres ,can not find a suitable investment bureau ? , relationresultCui Jinqingis also a blessing to the soul ,mind immediately appeared the name of a person ,this person is Huang Guoqiang !relationresultCui Jinqingthis time also indistinct hear some rumors ,that Huang Guoqiang and Mu Guoxing are from the capital together, Mu mayor also with him to eat a few meals ,relationresultPresumablyhe was also mayor is the man !relationresultThe 564th chapter cadre use , relationresult,I think ,the Legislative Affairs Office Deputy Director Huang Guoqiang ,director Huang is suitable for this position ! , relationresultMu Guoxing listens,also was concerned, he had asked Cui Jinqing to have a look ,to Cui Jinqing in Jinshan City has his own team .
And from Cui Jinqing ,can reproduce the one or two use of talented people ,but Cui Jinqing did not expect the mouth he gave the name Huang Guoqiang .relationresultOh ,Jin comrade, tell us your reasons ! , relationresultCui Jinqingsaw that Mu Guoxing was very interested in ,feel this word when it comes to Mu Guoxing heart .
relationresult,I think of Comrade Huang Guoqiang ,for the merchants of director is fully justified .Since he came to the hill city ,work performance is everybody be obvious to people .Can say ,all cadres on his views are very good, it shows that he is a good basis for the masses .
, relationresultIn particular he hosted organs Authority since the job, carry out with drive and sweep in the administration within the realization of centralized bidding , relationresultProcurement,blocked the loopholes in our city every year ,to save a lot of money .
This indicates that the overall concept of relatively strong comrade . , relationresultPlus the family is from the State Council organs to the cadre ,have great experience ,communicative ability than we do these local cadres on a lot better ,which is what we are lacking .
So ,I think of Comrade Huang Guoqiang is the right person .Is the Organization Department came to me for advice ,I will say this . , relationresultMu Guoxing fromthe expression on Cui Jinqing ,that Cui Jinqing is not a lie, and said with a smile : well ,you have a point, it also needs to get to a standing committee .
However ,the Standing Committee on a true through Huang Guoqiang appointment ,to you I have a request ! , relationresultCui Jinqing thought,since you mu mayor proposed candidate ,received standing on is not a walk-off game ?Jinshan City who do not know you mu mayor municipal Party committee secretary is too !Huang Guoqiang appears as a investment bureau is hand carefully !relationresultMayor ,you have any instructions please ,I must resolutely implement .
, relationresultHa-harelationresultJin,comrades ,my request is actually very simple .Huang Guoqiang served as the director of the bureau that enrol business ,you have to help him work for a period of time ,so he really opened the working situation ,you can leave .
Otherwise ,I will not let you go !Be not afraid delay your progress ,I really can leave us this investment director of hill city !You take this is our golden hill city a big loss .
You went to the provincial government agencies can forget our golden hill city !If you forget we Jinshan City ,I went to the governor to hold you back, you say, OK? Comrade Jin Qing ! , relationresultMu Guoxingthis is a half make fun of like speech ,although the surface tone is very easy, but Cui Jinqing was very heavy . Related articles:

