
cheap beats by dre means of retreat

, I forgot to say with you ,best wishes are now ghost killed in sovereign ,so his woman is naturally sovereign lady, your opinion ?Yes ,I have something I forgot to tell you ,you the poor ghost son a step ahead of you on the road to Hades ,so you should not be alone in the afterlife .
To build the forest toward Li Houyu rolled his eyes ,his face mask is insufficient at .relationresultYou ... ... You my son ... ... I love you ! Suddenly I heard his son by accident ,Li Houyu was struck by lightning ,the body suddenly become stiff ,then potential as the tigers rushed towards them ,but he just act ,he felt a cold at the neck ,then he discovers that his vision has undergone tremendous changes .
relationresultIn Li Houyu,releasing ring actually razor rack in a headless body above, he is confused at the corner of a room of Xiang Jianlin and Qin talented ,and so on ,the headless body clothes how foot from their clothes are identical ,and Qin Tianzong ,not to release the nameless hands ,how he escaped the release ring control ?relationresultUnfortunately,Li Houyu has a chance to clear up this problem ,his consciousness was immersed in the inexhaustible darkness .
relationresultThe originalto the building successfully rescued Li Xueyan ,Qin days if he knows his chance, see to them and Li Houyu suddenly to house all attention was attracted to the past ,pretend syncope state he did not hesitate to swap the vast technology ,significant Burgundy Li Houyu changed position ,the poor be caught off guard by Li Houyu exchanged positions ,he is still running posture ,and release the ring does not know in the hands of the hostages had been stealthily, also did not withdraw their hands blade ,Li Houyu will be releasing ring hand blade to cut head .
relationresultLi Houyublood to splash a nameless face ,release from shocked awake ,aware of the situation has changed ,cheap beats by dre,he was suddenly become very ugly ,he did not hesitate to scream out, then towards the nearest repair the lowest Guo Chuanyao grabbed the last .
relationresultRelease the ring ,you can white busy ,do you think you are arranged on the outside in the hall the Malay monk may also have alive ? To building early against the ring release ,see the release ring on Guo Chuanyao started ,he reached a catch, will bring Guo Chuanyao to pull him back ,let the release ring annals is in must blow to lose ,then grinned asked .
relationresultWhat ,release ring is still outside the hall arranged for the Malay monk ,maybe he wants to take advantage of the party our hominin monk to the elite do not catch all in one draft ? , relationresultHearto Jianlin ,housing was in an uproar, and the sky through more face changing .
relationresultReleasering I also made a face, he half-believe in with knowledge of God against the outside ,when he found out the hall in the complete absence of Malay monk disappeared ,his heart sank into the bottom by .
relationresultImpossible ,your master in the Terran house alone, outside the hall of culture but also the highest is the Austrian days habitat quality ,and in limited quantities ,how might we Malay opponents ,how you unnoticed and our Malay monk to slaughter .
,I did not hear any news? Release ring staring Xiang Jianlin saw a half-day ,abnormal unwilling to asked .relationresultIn order to ensurethe successful action today ,release ring not only from the puppet sent out nearly 100 warrior ,is holding the determination of cut off all means of retreat ,ready to give the monk a painful lesson ,when is caused havoc a primer, but all this because to Jianlin appear and become bubbles ,this the fact is that release ring a bit difficult to accept ,but also puzzle .
relationresultNot onlyrelease ring face puzzled, housing in other people why is not filled with doubts ,to release the nameless plot ,but they all are not informed ,say bad words ,do not appear to them ,this evening banquet will be turned into mourning ,so hear release ring questioning ,all eyes were focused on the Xiang Jianlin .
relationresultRelease ring D a release ring ,you only know Qin vertical-day promotion for new drugs ,but you don Qin Tianzong another layer of identity ,this is destined to you today to going to the end .
To the building shook his head ,looked to the release ring eyes are full of pity .relationresultXiang Jianlin said these wordsat the same time ,a tall figure also suddenly appeared in front of him release unknown ,once appear ,is a golden God domain to release the ring to hung up .
relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 513rd chapter God domain try to open , relationresultThesudden appearance of figure nature is the eagle king ,sky pass to Qin Tianzong arrangements of several escort back to Qin firm ,golden eagle king with Xiang Jianlin headed ghost killed in action .
, , relationresultTheeagle king strength ,he wanted to unnoticed solve city government hall puppet sent monks could not easily however .relationresultReleasering was a face calm ,think that the housing is not a person can stop his left, this is also he dared to expose themselves to Malay monk identity but the eagle king was beyond his expectation .
relationresultYou ... ... Who is it. A golden flash ,release ring found himself actually lose action ability ,he stared at the suddenly appear in the house of the king of the golden eagle ,was asked in alarm .
relationresultIs theeagle king no measures of release unknown ,but respectfully to stand behind Qin Tianzong .relationresultHousingin other people eyes all fell to the eagle king who, because they are deeply aware of release unknown .
They thought ,United won stop releasing ring ,but the station in Qin days if behind middle-aged actually just gently waved his hand to put the release ring to imprison .It not means ,the middle-aged man strength than the house all together even worse ?relationresultI introduce it to everyone ,this is my followers ,Golden Eagle king .
In all about eyes, Qin vertical-day hesitated ,or the eagle king speaking out .relationresultPreviouslyQin days if was not exposed to own ,secret ,because his strength is not enough ,afraid of ordinary man is innocent.
Huaibiqizui only, now he not only their own strength in the god-king under no tongue piercing ,there is a golden eagle king ,Jun Tian ,Jiang Gui, God of Wang Baohu, but there is a half step - numerous followers ,so there is no need to fear anyone .
relationresultHearthe words of Qin Tianzong ,house was in an uproar, besides Xiang Jianlin and Guo Chuanyao ,almost all of them with his mouth wide open ,they can ,golden eagle king as God realm of the Lich King how would follow in an Austrian days throughout the human monk .
relationresultWe don eyes looking at me, I the opportunity coincidence won the South barren God heritage ,get ,make ,so you will have numerous Lich King followers . In shocked everybody ,Qin Tianzong took out ,make ,put themselves into inside-door actual palm teach identity also speak out .
relationresultSee,make ,housing in the crowd finally understand what is going on ,we look at Qin Tianzong is full of envy ,twenty years old of age ,not only become a Wu Ling mainland most young WJ Shao God ,but also as a spiritual Pharmacists Association ,ghost kill Zong ,inside-door three forces the top job ,if no accident, Ungyeonwoon Neneko position will fall on his head .
relationresultAll,seems to have been Qin Tianzong identity lives to shake ,they all stared at Qin days if ,a half-day speechless .relationresultold ,today things wrong ,to a banquet, the results make the room full of bloody ,the release ring is left to your disposal . Related articles:

