
beats by dre studio y large numbers of d

Take up office Hou, receive my direct order for the first time, more or less some strain, however he knows, I to his impression is well is bad and then see the performance this time, so at that moment make a decision, in spite of problem have much difficult, must think way completion be.
The "remind you first, the president of association has already handed over to once treat, this matter can not let the third party know and hope the importance that you understand this matter" remaining extraordinary positive color ground towards Luo's the four seas to say.
Luo of"please trust, this I understand" is a little bit the whole world to nod to answer a way.
At see Luo's the four seas nod Hou, remaining is extraordinary to then and immediately after say:"That good, the president of association wants me to come over this time in order to purchase a food,beats by dre studio, went to Wu reason not to say, because the speech much and necessarily loses and hopes that you understand"
Although at this time Luo the whole world full interior region question, since the somebody else has already delivered words first to block up his mouth, if go to while asking, mean that oneself doesn't know too much mutually, so directly correspond positive ground to ask:"This is all right, that needs how much just enough?I attend to needs so much for a while"
The answer that hears him, the remaining extraordinary satisfaction location nods and says:"President of association says to have no an upper limit, have how much take how much, the price the whole good company measures, however specially request a word "quick" just"
"Good!That ask department chief Yu to give me a day, I will definitely give China president of association a satisfiedly reply of, excuse me"the words finish, leave extraordinary one person of remaining, however the Hou selfishly come out doorway to left for the processing buys a food of business.
Chapter 10(three
And Luo's the four seas don't make remaining extraordinary disappointment as well and take her to the port to watch on that night a heap of ground be like a mountain similar food, is just carried by large numbers of dock men up remaining is extraordinary bring of the armor is on board.
"You is how does the Mo accomplish?Totally have here how much?"Remaining is extraordinary to in astonishment toward Luo's the four seas to ask at this time.
"Ha ha ha~~ this has no Shi Mo, as long as the president of association orders down, I definitely make an effort to do and totally have 1,000,000 catties of foods here or so, because time isn't enough currently can adjust to this Mo many, if give my several more day of of words, will never only this piece" Luo's the four seas smiles to answer a way.
Because the hand is ample, arrived in dead hour a cent, eventually Wu all foods load to complete, remaining is extraordinary to be considering Hou for a while, decides to send first these foods arrive west city quickly.
So beat hello with Luo's the four seas, along with most the Hou a batch of foods go aboard together, however the Hou goes to the Yi Buddha harbor open sea to render assistance remaining to uniquely transport food ship Hou and returns to reach Si D Kingdom together.
Is extraordinary to leave Hou in remaining, Luo's the four seas then ascends wagon to arrive at to match boon city, on entering into inside the city, see a big emperor son west Se and pull to ascend to early sit over there combine a face impatiently wait him.
Don't wait Luo the four seas openings, big emperor son west the Se then and flustered and frustratedly split a head to ask a way:"You must be good friends with to like to my explanation for a while you just dry of good matter.
The approval that incredibly didn't pass by me, orderany without authorization all army supplies officers save a half inside the city above food to adjust to walk not to say, and connect a receipt for goods or official document also have no, you exactly at Anne Shi Mo heart?"
"The his highness pleases stop anger first, you see, I not is come?"Luo's the four seas early has already prepared ground to immediately after say at this time:"His highness, because affair come of suddenly, but have a hidden necessity again, so belong to bottom just more the power adjust to use a food and ask his highness to forgive offense" words finish, toward a big emperor son west Se deeply a Yi extend apology.
BE seeing the whole world performance of Luo and explanation Hou, big emperor son west the Se also feel that he will never be a reckless person, of so this Mo do and definitely have his reason.
Thought of here, so bear temperament, continue to ask a way:"Good!You pour is to my explanation clear, do for Shi Mo wanting this Mo."
Luo of"yes his highness" however Hou is the whole world and then chases extraordinary appear from remaining, go to send her to leave the matter that the period takes place, in detail said out.
BE finishing listenning to his explanation Hou, pull to ascend and then don't understand that the ground asks a way:"Shine on you this Mo say, my pouring is an apprehensibility your viewpoint, however also need not whole city half of foods to sell go to ah!
Although now have no warfare occurrence, suddenly little that Mo mostly is also a matter for bothering, after all and only depend the remaining of the food want people who feed the whole citieses to really have a little not enough."
And big emperor son west the Se also use understanding ground the tone ask a way not:"You like this give° half of foods to sell go to also even if, that do we have profit?Don't say your penny money all confiscates!"
Hear a big emperor son west the words Hou of the Se, Luo's the four seas didn't directly answer his question, but counter-questioned a way:"His highness, you feel the fame importance of a board of trade, still money importance?"
"This ……" by he once this Mo ask, big emperor son west the Se be a little bit considering Hou, answer a way:"Should be fame importance, the board of trade value~firses prestige, having good fame would have good income, whereas anti- then, so the good fame can earn to more money, however does this personally sell a food to have the relation of Shi Mo with you?"
"The relation canned be greatly" Luo's the four seas towards a big emperor at this time son west Se, continue to say:"His highness, you should still before remembering the business of a period of time two emperor sons?
Don't belonged to at that time next do a beautiful matter, killed his situation, but next of so this Mo did, was such.
How does the Mo say?The performance of two emperor sub- his highnesses is just personal sacrifice, but belongs to next lack foodstuffs for his highness making it then the performance of grand love, because I willing the Zhao telling all residents in the cities and saying that the his highness discovers to reach the Si D Kingdom occurrence civil war and makes many people homeless combining.
Because his highness cant not bear to these people suffer exhausted, so would like to dig down to purchase a food to help these wretches, by so doing, his highness this kind of person is hungry F hungry, person Ni F the image of the Ni will deeply plant people in the heart, certainly performance and his highness of two emperor sons compare with come don't calculate Shi Mo, and ……"
"And Shi Mo?Say quickly!"Big emperor words haven't finished saying, son west the Se interrupt conversation to ask a way right away.
"And there are also other advantages, for example, I am to make use of all just- taken a post army supplies officers inside the city to go to buy a food for us, all of them are businessmen, of so would like to spend money to buy feudal title, many people's aring optimistic about to have illegitimate profit can get, certainly we also want to satisfy for a while, they make them get some advantage from it.
This although we will have a little loss, however take the long view, only have an advantage but have no bad place, can also increase their centrifugal force to us at the same time, why should not be happy to do it?
Again come because this matter is the first time our board of trade president of association handed over a matter that need to be I, I had no reason not to do a little bit beautiful, this was him to my first impression, can not lose face.
As long as do this time of make him satisfied, that with Hou office this, my position can sit more steadily, and the income of his highness also will be more.
So say, although these food we will stick some money goes out, change come of is fame and president of association to my trust, this doesn't spend money and then can buy and hope that the his highness can understand my to work hard"
At after the explanation and analysis Hou of Luo's the four seas, big emperor son west Se and pull to ascend to also feel quite right, because under the circumstance that can not do hardly, can be used this method with two emperors the son Lai is virtuous a higher bottom.
Although say, this may compensate previous not small amount of money, if can have Luo Mo that the four seas says many advantages, that is also worth, so 2 people also have no again a little more Shi Mo.
And in Luo's the four seas big emperor son west the "good conduct" dissemination of the Se go out Hou and also spread to two in a little while emperor son Lai virtuous ear in, connect a Yi Buddha inside the city at the moment of get people all be each other spreading praise this matter, this lets two emperor the son Lai is virtuous rather uncomfortable.
Because in the big emperor son location match boon city also even if, but incredibly hear this kind of miscellaneous sound on own site now, wish this rather big to his prestige influence in Yi Buddha city, so summon an uncommon counterplan for still having the dust of Luo Yi and bathing snow to come amount of company of remaining right away.
"Yi dust, this matter you how does the Mo see?"Two emperor the son Lai Be virtuous to ask a way.
BE coming to before and early hear information, so the dust of Luo Yi early has already prepared ground and answers a way:"If the his highness, since big emperor's son doesn't account cost has to have a heart, want compare financial power Related articles:

