
beats by dre pro return be really dar

Chapter 424 at enmity with you had fun
On long Long Feng.Lu, dead alliance in the sky of strong and store and gold person Ju of mountain just strove for"the Kun fought to just just prologized and hadn't appeared dead and injured of big area, sudden, Ji vast sky without basis but decline.Burst upon before these people's eyes.
At he after death, orchid aroma:Flies a floral superior, thou sea, fierce hate the poison of sky, Di gram and origin.Flew to divert from that light hole one by one.
As long as the superior of territory being nine all arrived at here from that apocalypse mountain, help Ji vast sky to complete this war.
The arrival of Ji vast sky a group of people, disturbed a sky engage on Long Feng of public, the superior originally fought together, suddenly temporarily stop next.
"You, how do you come back again?.The one of the old woman of the store angries and stare a company ice Jie, hate however tunnel:"Do you come back to do to is all right?You are the only hope of our store!!"
Because company the break out of of the ice Yi, old woman just heart in dependable, in this time, she suddenly discovers a company the ice Jie comes back again, the hope flame in the heart of old woman, imitate Buddha to put out a while.She got angry right away.
Seeing at her is even if a Ji vast sky a group of people go to but reply to return, still can not change present situation, everyone still will finish having fun together.
"Grandmother, I come back to save your company ice Jie way.
"Your this stupid kid, you are on the hoof like, take care of us to do to is all right!"The old woman cut up rough.Hasty way:"Return to!Hurriedly return to, here isn't that you should come!"
"Take us to leave.Beg you!"
"As long as canning take us to leave, all of us hereafter listen to your valley of Xuan Yuan!"
"We are getting wronger, we don't should not believe you.As long as you save us, in spite of later you the valley of Xuan Yuan say what, we all shine on to do a mistake not!"
Half month ago, the guy disdained to the Ji vast sky a group of people, the variety of root happened to attitude at this time, at the sight of Ji vast sky go to but reply to return.The fire of the hope in their heart is sparked afresh, in succession the Rang Rang gets up.
Original despair of public, on Ji vast sky.Saw heavy to meet with freshman's hope, hoped that the Ji vast sky can take them to leave together from that light hole and gave they living descend of hope.
"My nature will save you, however not is pass this method Ji the vast sky smiled to smile, air cool way:"Killed these days of Lus and kill the superior of alliance, you aren't Gao Zhen more without the sorrow?Even if escaped this time otherwise, how many do you escape again?"
"Killed them?What fun do you open?"One person facial expression suddenly on changing, hasty way:"Do you know what you says?At the sun star area, have what strength can deal with of they?.
All of many people are to nod in succession, press Ji vast sky quicker take them to leave, hope to from a distance leave this.Sea Lan mainland, leave the ground of this right and wrong.
Unfortunately, at fierce hate the sky is from the light hole after the last came out come, that only the hole slowly healed, didn't leave one silk blind side, no one can again cross to pass by.
Beg to these people, the Ji vast sky turns a blind eye and on the contrary concentrated the attention to in the body of Lu host in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance, tiny tiny a say with smile:"Is two, you distinctly invade sea Lan mainland.Actually is why matter?"
At this time, Lu host in the sky and dead alliance leader of alliance, also temporarily stopped the attack of under charge, just far away jade Long Feng to surround.
The eyes of that smiling face mask underneath of Lu host in the sky gleam interrogative ray of light, the light hole position that presents before the Ji vast sky is after death sees and sees, obviously is very surprising his this miraculous method.
"There isn't any space turbulent flow area here, are you how to come?"Lu host in the sky saw in a short while, suddenly way.
That dead alliance leader of alliance are also the eyes used two regiment will-o'-the-wisp sorts to look at Ji vast sky, obviously is very interested in this matter, these 2 people are all somebodies of highest rank at the sun star areas, however, even if is them, use the circumstance of space turbulent flow area in the disadvantage under, also can not do it to shuttle two lives
To these 2 people, Ji vast sky this a group of people suddenly of the emergence is extremely uncanny, extremely be unsuited to convention, they see come out, the Ji vast sky a group of people was the light hole that made use of to just appear to come out to come.But that light hole obviously isn't 1 kind of space turbulent flow area, should be another method.
"I have my method naturally."The air is cool, don't present to the Lu host in sky and the dead alliance leader of alliance at all one fearing to of silk idea, unhurriedly the ground smiled to smile, and then tooked a look spirit exhausted gold net mountain toward the old woman of the store of big baldheaded one eye, Ji vast sky light way:"You although to I how not, but I with truly act towards people, this comes back, I hope that we can share a bitter hatred of the enemy and come to cope with these invaders together."
The matter has already gone to this, in spite of is the bare-headed of the net mountain of the old woman of the store or a gold, all know the bloody battle is hard to avoid, even Ji vast sky this small generation dare return from five lines of mainlands, what can they also say?
The old woman ordered to nod and sighed 1.Way:"If my store can by luck keep down this time, Ji vast sky, our store necessarily will re- treat you!"
Big baldheaded Leng for a while, also way:"As long as we can keep on surviving this time, we gold net mountain, will give up those dogmatic way of doings.Put~to death to kill these heterodox doctrineses at all costs!"
Once experienced baptism between each life and death, these two people, on the whole is see pure some facts.
Smiled to smile, Ji vast sky way:"This is exactly hopeds by me!"
"Dark star clansmen!"Lu host in the sky suddenly and lightly drink 1 and stare at a Di gram, one face positive color way:"I know you, the dark star clan has a geezer method.Can become a dead star to live a star, I am very glad to cooperate with you, you also saw out, our strength was far great old, you as long as cooperate with us.I promise the another power in the area of the sun star matches".
From the of long eyebrows, the leader of alliance of Lu host in the sky and dead alliance, understood some affairs that force a gram, Lu host in the sky passed some newses of dying the star area at first and then once heard the circumstances of dark star clan and knew that the dark star clan had the ability of changing the dead star, so on hearing that the person whom the sea Lan mainland had a dark star clan appears, they then the no time for waiting came over.
Lu in the sky and the strength of the dead alliance, at the sun star the area is very strong, if Lu in the sky and a true heart of the dead alliance help force a gram and force a gram of possibility for accomplishing anything really very big.
Unfortunately, the Di gram know a sky, Lu and dead alliance, these two general situation dints, is the sun star the area doesn't preach the place of righteousness most , these two influences these in the last yearses did in the sun star area the affair of too many person's absolute being total anger.This kind of an improbity influence that is oneself to consider.Anything but force a gram of desirable.
The Di gram shakes head and pointed to fight Ji vast sky."We have already left a better choice."
"He?"Lu host's eyes in the sky are full to is a despise."Such a generation, worth you does the dark star clan throw in?You also know that at enmity with I cooperates.At the sun star area you basically don't think that to carry out any ambition, I will destroy any person who cooperate with you, this boy, very quick the meeting didn't reply to exist!"
The Di gram again shakes head."Do not reply the existent, can't be his, I know
This obviously wears not pure sky of Lu host?
Long Feng in the sky of public, all of a s are that the full faces are startled,beats by dre pro, not only is a skies, Lu there of superior, even the old woman of the store and big baldheaded, all very strange, heart way this monster return be really dare to talk nonsense?That son ability of He De He, take what cross swords with Lu in the sky and dead alliance?
In addition to everything is from five lines of mainlands since then of company the ice child, orchid aroma in addition to several people, Long Feng in the sky's numerous superiors, believe that the Ji vast sky can match with the Lu host in sky and the dead alliance leader of alliance for no one.
"Don't kill him, in a short while imprisonned his soul, we were good friends with to cross-examine the method that he comes over so much."The leader of alliance of dead alliance saw the mind of killing of Lu host in the sky, stretched hand a Ji vast sky and spoke to remind.
"H'm, my in the mind contains a few days, the Lu host ordered to nod and signaled hint oneself understand, then toward Ji vast sky a , at quiet order:"Killed this boy first, showed this different clan person our real strenght
At he after death, a grey hair youth with the territory of nine temple highest points in the sky, the one step exceeds and in a twinkling arrived Ji vast sky of before the body, full head grey hair a jilt.The ray of light being several hundred relentless then flies to divert, those relentless of ray of light when the half gets empty, constantly the conjunction entwines and changed into a white dark tight dragnet and right against the face comes toward the top of head cover of Ji vast sky.
He should be the opinion that heard dead alliance leader of alliance.Look fully inclined to violence, in fact prepare to imprison Ji vast sky, forced to once ask the Ji vast sky the impassability a space turbulent flow so much the area comes over of method.
This grey hair youth has the real strenght of the territory of nine temple highest points in the sky, whole body ice cold murderous look as if substantial.After that white dark tight dragnet coagulation comes out, he whole body of murderous look as if the silk thread is general, all depend on at the ray of those tight dragnets on, it was full of Yin cold ruthlessly oppressive breathing that huge net.
The ray on the huge net, spreads soul only just can hear of of the voice of endless endless grudge.Those ray, imitating the Buddha is to depend on in the article of death previous grudge of person to rub*crumple out, the huge net overalies down, that soul that the strength hating keeps a Ji vast sky deep place, imitating the Buddha has to let a Ji vast sky mind fall a voice.
Once the mouth smile, the mind keeps to get empty Mang of he.The slightest be free from those ray up hate the Jian of strength ring, way:"Petty skill."
A fire is burning, suddenly fly to divert.The wildly strong incineration fire of three flavor true fires burning of dint, on presenting, right away burned for those ray on the huge nets, the experience and training of various grudgeses, drive three the flavors mix in the true fire of the strength of fire in the sky to influence, changed into a gas in succession.
Three flavor the true fire and fire in the sky match with an use, the huge net that covers down, in very short time inside, then be consumed all energies, finally changed into one continuously light smoke, the dissipation is between the world.
This grey hair youth has the fixing of territory of nine temple highest points in the sky to a little bit badly live the Jing of the stars on the star for, although the acupuncture points in the body collecting of just some.But an acupuncture points is still all chains of whole body was deeply.Such a superior.Deal with whole body acupuncture points a never chain deeply of Ji vast sky, not only have no to in a twinkling put~to death to kill, haven't resulted in any condition of the injury on Ji vast sky, this is absolutely the affair that can not imagine.
That grey hair youth.Also seeming to be some is in a spot, on the face strong and tough lines, became soft to get up a while, originally looked English Wei emollient grey hair youth, cheeks variety, body also slowly become Jiao weak have no the dint get up.Connect that originally neat chest.Unexpectedly also started drum bulge getting up.
He is that skin in ash white, in a twinkling become a smooth circle smooth, the female's various characteristics gradually start obviously, the Adam apple retracts, rough of two hands such as white jade",
So became a coy woman for several ten seconds, a greatly good youth, .In addition to he that eyes remain the Yin annoy dark, fierce on seeing, this is absolutely an another a.Person!
He looks change of at the same time, the qualities on the body also becomes soft improbity of Yin to get up, but the motion of soul, more and more strong, imitate Buddha a silt.Want to play to give° the other people's absolute being soul to destroy into.
Anyone as long as having a liking for his eyes is imperceptibly similar, will be subjected to attraction, the soul will have grow vacant frighten into inaction of felling, then then will drive he to pull to go into and be more fond of the soul trap of Mang in.
The time in the beginning, even won Ji vast skies to recruit.Record in the stable intelligence in the great void Mi so much, have the miraculous ability of being rated as the abnormal condition.But he.Is small to keep light and free!Empress, that person investigates general soul trap such as the silt ground, vulgar, the bore accounted Ji vast sky to lose a function.
The whole body was clever to work properly to beat one cold Zhan, the Ji vast sky involuntarily retreated several steps, one was disgusted, way:"You the guy of this effeminate man, let everybody to spoil appetite!"
Only think really.Originally a man of English Wei , so for an instant, becamed a coy Yin soft woman, this kind of was anti- bad, can let the many people whole body rise chicken skin pimple, will cannot help but wanting to far keep off to open.
"Damn!"That person scolded a , the orotund dark Hun is thick, still the male's voice.
"Dead freak rolls!"The Ji vast sky cannot help but lambasting.The heart reads a to move, no longer preparation and the other party cave Suo, pretend he makes moves to that, will hide at nine hearts in the great void dreamland to divert.
Nine hearts are a , the Shu ground flies to walk toward the all directions and then disappear for an instant at Long Feng in the sky.Fly Yi to a long distance outside after, nine hearts start splitting up.Each heart became nines a little bit smaller of heart, again toward more the distance fly.
99811 hearts, in very short time.Then disappeared, scatter each in the neighborhood of aery island.Group of islands on.
Wait until those 99811 hearts, soon all find out to depend on of after, body's Ji vast sky heart plentiful a piece of big rock gradually fall settle, part and the guy of that effeminate man refuse to budge, simultaneously quickly make use of soul to link with the body that 99811 hearts depend on.
The freak of that effeminate man, the orotund Hun is thick.Eyes are cold and damp icy cold, but is coy woman's body, however, after becoming a woman.His speed but quick such as lightning flash rush thunder, a , the direct emergence is in the Ji vast sky of back, a thin cordage that Long Jin makes into, suddenly drive his Lei is on the Bo neck of Ji vast sky.
Long Jin makes into of thin cordage, the tenacity is the best.He obviously prepares to want to abruptly strangle to death Ji vast sky.That cordage Lei the time on the Bo neck in Ji vast sky, he has no immediately fieriness to put effort, unexpectedly is a little ground enlargement strength.
He is that coy body, obviously very weak, but the activity was full of ruthlessly oppressive and improbity.Tightly hold tight a thin cordage of he, full is ice to coldly kill an idea in the eyes, the corner of mouth also starts to hang up a ferocious angle, he little by little enlarges strength.Seem person's head that wants to looking at Ji vast sky, be broken for end Lei by that thin cordage.
After all having is nine of the strength of the territory, after all of his energies display to open come, really at Ji vast sky on.
If he in the beginning then displayed with all strength, the Ji vast sky was afraid is really pare good difficult cope with, although the Bo neck was unlikely be broken by the Lei, breath not Chang dizzy and with blurry eyesight this kind of phenomenon afraid is avoided to can not help.
However, he wants a little ground to torment Ji vast sky, but is his biggest flub!
The strength of the blood in the body first develops a function and be four saint monsters are in the Jing blood in his body after seething, new strength, directly break out in the body, the Ji vast sky of dint originally shoulded don't strike back, suddenly the strength soars and buttonned up two hands on the thin cordage be made an effort back to pull over there.Formed to refuse to budge right away with him.
"Hum".The guy of that effeminate man.Being cold to hum is a , he before didn't make an effort.The eye sees the strength of Ji vast sky suddenly soar, although he is surprised,have no fluster, start hideous smile continuing to enlarge his/her own strength.
70 bodies are getting quicker, soon, ,
The in the mind noodles silently computes, Ji vast sky also beginning continuously promote his/her own strength, wait until he discovers the time starting making an effort the other party, he starts adjusting to use the dollar bead in sky in the body again of strength, be the second cent strength infusion body in, the strength of that guy, have already canned not continue a threat to him.
The body of Xuan Yuan, **skeleton strong pole.Can bear for a sky, the huge strength inside the dollar bead infuses to note.Absorbed to count dollar bead in the sky of 100,000 demon souls, the deep degree of the inside strength far and far wasn't a nine the temple number the superior of territory of the Feng can compare of, although the body of Ji vast sky can't absorb all.But also enough he at pure strength with bear a dint ratio to put together ascend win.
Certainly, he didn't come out own pre-eminent display right away, not only this, he return Hai idea ground to conceal his own strength, even express of some difficulties, full face ground panic, a soon will be fixed of shape.
In this time, his soul, continue to extend, continue to operate to leave of heart to depend on a body.
In spite of is a sky, Lu, dead alliance that a cake of, still thou Bang, fierce hate a sky and Di gram this a cake of, helplessly looking at the freak of Ji vast sky and that effeminate man to the war, unexpectedly have no a person to come out an interference.
Both parties all have absolute confidence to the people of the same group and believe that people of the same group affirmation can obtain end victory, in the unconscious, this combat.Ascension for fighting of both parties' morale.
Lu in the sky's wanting that guy is forcing the in front of gram.Give°ing the Ji vast sky to slowly torment is till death, prove their influence that the Lu is the strongest the sun star area in the sky, fight to force a gram with this.
Thou Chan a group of people, all know to set out ancient nine to become unique demand time, after those 99811 hearts flew to go out, they then understand Ji vast sky already in the silent activity, know in their heart that the Ji vast sky takes time, so just don't make moves.
79, 80.81, together"
The Ji vast sky of Mo number in heart, finally ancient nine become unique decoration completion, also in this time.His corner of mouth breaks out a same improbity Yin cold smiling face and suddenly makes an effort, direct push open that thin cordage, in a twinkling turn round, tie up that thin cordage to round on the guy neck of that effeminate man.
"Dead freak, I at enmity with you had fun, again see."
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