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Strong call time, the car had already arrived at the hospital, Xie Tianqiang got out of the car, with Du tiger ahead of time preparing his flowers into the hospital, while Xie Tianqiang is walking to the ward when, suddenly from behind him running through a group of doctors and nurses, rush toward the top wards ran, he to see the doctors and nurses toward the top wards run, then immediately follow at the back of the ran into the ward doctors and nurses, and anxiously asked: "the doctor!Just how?",louis vuitton outlet online;A nurse heard the words of Xie Tianqiang, he replied: "the patient had, Mr. xie!Please don't miss the rain we next to the delivery room."Xie Tianqiang heard the nurse, he leaned in the ward boundary, the nurse said: "the nurse!You are my happy life?""Yeah!Now we will maternal to the delivery room!"Xie Tianqiang heard the nurse, watching Yu Qing lying on the bed, pushed by nurses leaving the room, Xie Tianqiang watched, came to Yu Qing with a smile said: "L ü,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Vuitton;!You must be strong, I will wait for you outside the delivery room."He hurried to the nurse behind, ran to the delivery room.Xie Tianqiang stood in the delivery room at the top after by nurses and physicians into the delivery room, immediately took to call in the SH's mother had a telephone call, call, Xie Tianqiang immediately to the mother said: "mom!Happy life, just be the doctor into the delivery room, I'm waiting outside the delivery room."Xie Tianqiang's mother Sun Ying on the phone to hear his words, just happy asked Xie Tianqiang: "days of strong!Is that sure?Happy to live, I am immediately came from the city of SH,www.yinfay.com, mother will not say to you, I now go to the airport is the first class ticket."After Hao Jing finished, immediately hang up the phone.After Xie Tianqiang heard mother hung up the phone, and then give at home with the children of Hao Jing played in the past, after the call, Xie Tianqiang to Hao Jing said: "wife!Happy life, now just pushed ward."Hao Jing heard the words of Xie Tianqiang, he smiled and said to Xie Tianqiang: "husband!Congratulations!And to add baby, husband! Related articles:

